Monthly Firefighter Training

Medina VFD 13762 TX-16, Medina, TX, United States

Firefighter training is on the 2nd and 4th Thursday

Fire Station Manned for the Eclipse

Medina VFD 13762 TX-16, Medina, TX, United States

The fire station will be manned on Sunday April 7th and Monday April 8th for the elipse.

Total Solar Eclipse

Medina VFD 13762 TX-16, Medina, TX, United States

Median Texas is in the path of totality for the total solar eclipse. Totality in Medina is estimated to be at 1:31:33 p.m. and last for 4 minutes and 21 seconds.

BOD Meeting

Medina VFD 13762 TX-16, Medina, TX, United States

Monthly Board of Directors Meeting is on 2nd Tuesday each month

Monthly Firefighter Training

Medina VFD 13762 TX-16, Medina, TX, United States

Firefighter training is on the 2nd and 4th Thursday